Manchester Residential Market Update Facebook Live
1st November 2022

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Manchester Residential Market Update Facebook Live

Manchester is ranked as one of the best cities in Europe to live in and work. It is also the home to 80 of FTSE100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange) and many international corporates. We are pleased to have Head of Sales for JLL International Residential, Felix Cheung and Matthew Wong, Assistant Sales Manager, to outline the Manchester Residential Market Update and explore investment opportunities there.

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Purchasing uncompleted properties situated outside Hong Kong is complicated and contains risk. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. If in doubt, please seek independent professional advice before making a purchase decision. Our sales representatives for overseas property work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and are not to deal with Hong Kong properties, unless expressly stated otherwise, are not licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance to deal with Hong Kong properties. Last updated date: 14 May 2020.

Event Details
Date: 19th May 2020 (11pm)
Venue: Facebook Live