Facebook Live: Exploring Edinburgh – High graduate retention rate with attractive living cost
6o July 2023

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Facebook Live: Exploring Edinburgh – High graduate retention rate with attractive living cost

As the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh is the largest economic center and transport hub outside London. Known for its striking castle, historic old town, the city is also home to several of the best universities in the UK. Edinburgh has been chosen many times as one of the most liveable cities in the world. It has shown resilience during the pandemic with positive price growth. Let’s explore Edinburgh together and discover the investment opportunities there.


Planning Permission no: 08/03361/OUT and 16/01694/FUL granted by The City of Edinburgh Council Acquiring interest in an apartment in the building with freehold. Property ID number: IRP_N_101_00386. The last update date: 6 June 2023.

Event Details
Date: 19o May 2023 (6am)
Venue: Facebook Live