Facebook Live: London Royal Wharf Property Buyer | Investment sharing from artist Miss Bowie Cheung
1o November 2022

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Facebook Live: London Royal Wharf Property Buyer | Investment sharing from artist Miss Bowie Cheung

UK properties have always been a popular hot pick for overseas investment, but what are the criteria for new investors to look for across the country? We are pleased to have invited artist Miss Bowie Cheung, who studied in UK, to share her experience with buying property in Royal Wharf. We will also introduce a new building which benefits from the Elizabeth Line effect, launching soon at Riverscape London. Stay tuned! 

= The live session will be held in Cantonese= 


Property number: IRP_N_101_25626. Planning Permission: 17/03612/FUL granted by London Borough of Newham. Acquiring interest in an apartment in the building with 999-year leasehold. The last updated date: 08.09.2022. 

Event Details
Date: 12o September 2022 (11pm)
Venue: Facebook Live