Facebook Live: Excellent transport links via Elizabeth Line | Rents in Royal Wharf are rising to peak level
1o November 2022

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Facebook Live: Excellent transport links via Elizabeth Line | Rents in Royal Wharf are rising to peak level

Homes along Thames River are rare due to the limited land supply. Spreading across a 40-acre site, Royal Wharf does not only enjoy a riverside view but is also  easily accessed by road, rail, and river. Benefited from the newly opened Elizabeth Line, Canary Wharf is just 8 minutes^ from Custom House Station. According to the UK estate agent, rents in E16 have pushed upwards to peak level over the past 3 years with diverse tenant groups. Join us to learn more about the market update in E16, our UK team will introduce you to the latest riverside development. Stay tuned!

= The live session will be held in Cantonese=


Jones Lang LaSalle Investments Limited is a licensed real estate agent. License number: C-082467. Purchasing uncompleted properties situated outside Hong Kong is complicated and contains risk. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. If in doubt, please seek independent professional advice before making a purchase decision. Our sales representatives for overseas property work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and are not to deal with Hong Kong properties, unless expressly stated otherwise, are not licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance to deal with Hong Kong properties. *Prices and details correct at time of going to press. ^Walking times and travelling times are approximate. Source: Google Maps. Property number: IRP_N_101_25626. Planning Permission: 17/03612/FUL granted by London Borough of Newham. Acquiring interest in an apartment in the building with 999-year leasehold. The last updated date: 07.06.2022.

Event Details
Date: 14o June 2022 (11pm)
Venue: Facebook Live